
In any web browser, navigate to the intranet at

Click on the LabArchives symbol near the top right of the page:

In the username field, enter your SVI username in the UPN format: This is not necessarily the same as your email address, so if you have a pre-2015, 8-character username please ensure you use that and not your full email address.

In the verification code field, you will need to enter a “one-time password code” from the Microsoft Authenticator app on your phone.
Open the Authenticator app and click on the St Vincent’s Institute entry. This will show a 6 digit code with a 30 second countdown timer next to it. When the timer reaches zero, it will generate a new 6 digit code. You will have to enter the code on the LabArchives sign in page whilst it is still valid, so if the timer is below 5-10 seconds, you may wish to wait until a new one is generated to give yourself more time.

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