NRL Access Database Requests

This article will cover the process required to lodge a request regarding any changes that need to occur within Spectre, InfoPC or NRLord.


The Word Document attached below contains the information you are required to lodge, below is an explanation of each question.

This Word Document will be updated regularly, please ensure when lodging a new request that you have the up to date copy of this document.

As SVI IT and the External Consultant are not fully understanding of businesses processes, please provide detailed instructions regarding the changes you have requested.

You must provide screenshots of how to access the area in question you’d like changed, what it does, what you’d like changed.

Please make no assumptions on what a person would already know regarding a process. Please explain it as if the person is hearing about it for the first time.

  1. How do you access the function you’d like changed?

    • Although the consultant is becoming more familiar with your work processes, there are still many features and functionality that they isn’t aware of, an explanation regarding how to access this section with specific mentioning of button names and drop-down menus will assist in the consultant being able to reproduce the actions you would and to better understand what needs to be changed.

    • If you have knowledge in regards to how the function works and the backend, please make comments in regards to what changes are required there, this information would be invaluable. If not however, please don’t worry.

  2. What would you like changed?

    • Please explain as best you can in layman’s terms what you’d like to see changed. SVI IT and the consultant are not familiar with NRL processes and will need some explanations regarding some business processes and how the changes will affect business process.

  3. Importance to business?

    • With a number of requests coming through, we need to find a way to categorise and prioritise jobs regarding to their importance. Is your request a nice to have change or is it business critical? We need to ensure that the appropriate time frame is given to a request if it is business critical.

    • If you have a timeframe of when you require the change to be in place, e.g. “I will start generating reports for these assays in September”, please let us know of when this is so we can appropriately prioritise your request.

    • The earlier you lodge your request, the easier it will be for us to prioritise your request. Please don’t lodge a request 3 days before a major business process is required as we won’t be able to meet these demands.


    • If you have any further comments you’d like the consultant to know in regards to your request, you’re welcome to place them here in case the following questions don’t quite fit what you’re wishing to say.

If you require changes to reports, please provide a copy of what changes you would like to occur, whether that be a Word document with tracked changes or simply a text file explicitly explaining specific word changes, either is fine.

Screenshots would be greatly appreciated for these explanations if required.

Once completed, please lodge your request at